Bags Policy Reminder

Going forward starting in the Fall 2024 term, The Pantry will only be supplying bags for students with their first request. This is to minimize, and to allocate more into the service. With this, The Pantry also accepts bag donations – if you have extra reusable bags you do not need, please bring them to The Pantry.

Please know that this means that students are responsible for bringing their own bags for their hamper requests. If a student forget a bag, students will need to come back to pickup their hamper up or the volunteer or staff member can loan you a bag in which you will need to return. Volunteers/Staff will make a note for their hamper if a student needs to return for a different day.

If you have any questions or concerns about the new bag policy, please reach out to [email protected]

Hope you all have a good Fall Term. Please keep an eye out for updates on The Pantry here!


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